
I finished scarf number three on Sunday but am just now posting. This one came out really really long because I went until I finished the skein. Since I know there are people who like long scarves, I’m not worried about someone not liking it.
Scarf #3

Also, this is another ATC I did for the 7 Deadly Sins swap over at Swap-Bot. I honestly had a hard time doing this one as I just could not think of anything. After reading and re-reading the description of the sin (Sloth), it says that the goat and the color light blue are associated with it. This is what I came up with. It is also my first hand drawn ATC. I hope my partner likes it.
Sloth ATC


Here are the most recent things I’ve completed.

Another dotee for yet another swap over at Swap-Bot.com  It’s a great site so you all should go check it out if you like swapping things!

On Saturday I bought the Embellish Knit machine at Joanns. It was originally $15 but was on clearance for $4 so I couldn’t pass it up. This is what I made with the yarn it came with.

I also bought a potholder loom on Saturday and made this with the loops it came with. I’m going to be trying it with yarn next.

And last, this is the first of many (I hope) scarves. I am planning on making a bunch, and maybe some hats, we’ll see, and donating them to charity for the winter. I might try some blankets too but again, we’ll see.

And that’s it so far. Still working on other things. I’m going to string up the potholder loom and try it with yarn now while I watch some anime. All comments appreciated!

ATC, bead WIP, and….a bunny!

Here is another ATC for the 7 Deadly Sins Swap, this one is for Wrath/Anger. A bit simple but I like it. You can’t read the words in the pic, but they are from the description/definition of the sin.

And this is a beaded bookmark in progress on my bead loom. After this I’m thinking I’ll try a more complex pattern. This one I’m just doing as I go and it will be wavy.

And for something not crafty; Last monday this cute little bunny showed up in our yard. We’ve seen it every  night since and it was out hopping around this morning too. We think it might be living under our shed. The dog keeps going nuts because she wants to go out and catch it XD

Making little matchboxes

Over at Swap-Bot I am in the Hooked on Dotees group and a new group swap will be starting called Matchbox Dotee swap. I’ve never made a matchbox before, or done anything with one, so using the tutorial that is linked in the swap description, I made two matchboxes just to see their size. Looks like I’ll be making itty bitty dotees to go in them! The boxes are 1.5″ wide by 2″ long (I think that’s what it was, they are really small).

I have not done the inside of one box yet. I just thought up an idea for these but I won’t say yet in case I do it for the swap. I’m going to try making bigger ones later I think.


I have been swapping alot lately both through Swap-Bot.com and Craftster.org I really enjoy swapping so if anyone ever wants to do a personal one, I’m all for it. Just sent me a message here and we can talk.

Those of you who have blogs who are also on Swap-Bot and/or Craftster, let me know and I’ll link to you! Let me know if you got here through the I’m a Blogger, follow me! swap on swap-bot!

My partners:








