Fiber Festival of New England

As promised in my last post, here is my haul from the festival today! Not much but I love the yarn I got.

ffne haul 2018

Fiber Fest of New England

This past weekend was FFNE that takes place down at the Big E fairgrounds in one of the buildings. I go every year and even though it’s two weeks after Rhinebeck, I still find myself needing more fiber stuff! Here are the things I bought.

I am trying out rug hooking because I really love the way the finished items look. I picked a small one to start with. I am trying to finish the scarf I have been working on off and on since the beginning of the year. Once that is done, then I have to pick the ‘what is next’ game.  I need to find a way to clone myself so I can do multiple things at the same time!

Rhinebeck Loot!

This year I did not take any pictures of the actual fair, as I was too busy shopping and looking at everything.

Every year my mother and I go to NY Sheep and Wool on a bus from Webs. We have lots of fun and they do raffles on the way! My mother won a shawl kit, though gave it to me since she does not knit. And new this year, everyone on the buses (there were three) got a free mini skein of yarn! Mom’s on the top, mine is the bottom.


My first stop this year was to find the tent with the baskets outside. They always go fast and I wanted to have good selection. I got a big one last year (though not from here) so this time I just wanted a small one. I found one in my favorite colors of orange and teal. I also got this little goat from them to go with my mini flock.


Yarn in a very pretty color from Avalon Springs Farm. I wish I had grabbed the other skein of this. Oh well.


Artwork (forgot the name of the vendor), buttons, and a card because I ate the chocolate from there, lol.


A punch needle embroidery kit.


Yarn and stitch markers


Metallic ribbon yarn from Great Adirondack Yarn. I call this the weird and fun yarn booth because their stuff is always different from everyone else’s. I love it!


Yarn from Lisa Souza


Some tools and new pins from Bitsy Knits.


And of course the mandatory Loop bump. It came with a free sample of her new Lux fiber.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA


As always, I had a lot of fun. I was sore and exhausted by the end of the day, but at least I didn’t have to drive the 2.5hours back home. My mom and I then stopped at Blue Bonnet in Northampton (a favorite) for dinner before heading home. I went to bed before ten, which is really early for me, and that was that!

I wore the pin loom woven shawl I posted the other day and got many compliments on it. It made me really happy.

I am already looking forward to Rhinebeck next year! Until then, New England Fiber Fest is in a couple weeks!

Results of Stashbusting

I am finally getting around to posting pictures of the projects I have finished. All of the yarn in this picture:


Is now gone! This is all acrylic yarn. Actually, the only yarn I still have that is in this picture is the blue mohair on the right in the back. Here are a couple things I have made with it. I don’t have pictures of everything I did, but at least I have these:

1) Pillow


2) Doll blanket


3) Yarn doll. This is the first one I’ve ever made.


4) and the biggest, a stashgan using up all of the rest of the yarn. I did not plan it out, I just grabbed yarn as I went. I should have put the white between each color, but I thought I had more of the colors than I did. Either way, all the yarn is gone and I have a blanket.


I currently have another blanket in progress. It’s about halfway done. Pictures to come when I get around to finishing it.

Now I just need to start working on my small stash of cotton yarn. Still not quite sure what I’ll be making with that yarn yet. Next month I am going to the big Sheep and Wool festival in Rhinebeck, NY. It will be my first time going and I am super excited about it. It is also why I started working harder on trying to use up my current stash. I know I’ll be bringing home more fiber to spin and yarn!

I have also been playing with resin again. I found a couple of new molds to work with. I still need to do the finishing touches on them, so no pictures yet.

Three more scarves! Time to fill a box!

I have finished three more scarves already. I have found that I can finish one in a few hours so I could get one done a night if I don’t get distracted by something else! I am hoping to fill a box to donate to one of the shelters around my area so people in need can be at least a little warmer.




I have four more skeins of that green yarn left. That first blue one was slow going because the yarn was thicker than was meant for the reed I was using but it’s the only one I have at the moment. The Black/blue/purple one I did last night and have enough yarn left to make two more like it.

After I get rid of this older yarn, I am going to spin more of my own up so I can weave with handspun to make an 100% made by me scarf! I’m really enjoying my Cricket loom and maybe I’ll get one a bit bigger (possibly the 25″ Flip).