What I’ve been doing

Bad me, I’ve fallen a little behind in updating my blog. I have been doing more crafty things lately so have quite a few pics to share.
I made a dragon egg to use as a prop with my dolls, and maybe something else…
dragon egg2

I have been making icord with threads that are too fuzzy to do much else with. Right now I have started to make something with them, probably a rug, but we’ll see. I’m using the Embelish Knit tool I got at Joanns for $5 on clearance. It makes them very fast!
pink icord
icord in progress
I hand sew this one. Deciding on which color to attach next.

A bracelet.
Blue bracelet

My first pair of earrings.
First earrings

And I finally go around to trying to make an amigurumi! I am very happy with how this little birdie turned out. I did not use any pattern for this but watched a video on Youtube on how to work in the round and do inc/decs. I am a new crocheter so this took a few times before I finally got it.
first ami

Fishy Fishy

I’m going on a cruise in two weeks and thought I should make some summery jewlery to wear on it. I don’t wear jewlery often but I’ve had these cute fishy charms and beads for awhile and they needed to be made into something. I’ve only made one or two things before and I probably did them wrong, but they work. The bracelet I made using Fun Wire so it’s a bit stiff but should not fall apart.

Fishy Fishy

Fishy charm close up

Fishy bracelet close up

I did not have quite enough fish to do the whole necklace but the empty part will be behind my head so shouldn’t be too noticable. What do you all think?

My first chainmail jewelry

I did this before going to the picnic at my grandmothers house. It is my first attempt at chainmail jewelry. It’s not bad but may be slightly off so doesn’t look quite right. Either way, I’m happy. I’m going to do something else today but not sure what.

This was done in 20gage wire, 7mm jump rings (made them myself!), and is using the European 4-1. The wire I bought at Jo-anns.