Rug hooking with yarn

Today I did an experiment with yarn since I knew it was possible to rug hook using yarn.  I bought a small roll of burlap at one point at Michaels since it was on sale. That is what I used since it was hemmed and I could cut a piece of for a small piece.

I have tons of yarn to play with, so I doodled a design and went at it.


I should have used thicker yarn, but it worked well enough for a first try. The paisleys look okay, the flower and swirl at the bottom turned out good. The red blob in the middle was supposed to be a heart. I cannot figure out how to get it to keep its shape. I even tried to use black to outline it but it still turned into a circle.  It kinda looks like a ladybug so it’s fine I guess. I do want to learn how to do a proper heart though!

Sharp points are hard. There was supposed to be a star but I just could not get it to work out. The top right is a crescent moon with a random purple blob on the right, and another in the top center.

It was a good learning experience. I do want to try again with thicker and better yarn. I just dug into my acrylic stash for trying this out. I am going to look around online to see what I can find for tutorials/classes.